The method was actually pushed up from List with its behaviour unchanged. And a separate AR to remove the stupid return value from sorting methods is in the queue for integration, but didn't make 7.5.

You can easily enough find all methods that changed in 7.5 by publishing the packages you have loaded in any previous version and in 7.5 and comparing them. I believe Jim Robertson also generated some lists of changes and published them on one of the wikis at one point. I'm not sure if he's still doing that or not. You could even generate a list of the methods and run methodcollector to tell you everything of yours that calls them. I suspect, however, that such a list might still be rather long to look through by hand. There is also the list of fixed_ars.txt and the release notes, which describe at a more abstract level what's changed.

At 05:49 AM 4/30/2007, Adrian Kuhn wrote:
Hi all,
background is that VW 75 introduced a new #sort method that returns a 
helper class (which is stupid enough) instead of the collection 
itself, while we in Moose had a custom #sort method that returns the 
sorted collection. I discovered that by accident only--it's really 
annoying that cincom does not attach version information to 
methods... would be nice to have a way to find using MethodCollector 
all methods in OUR code that call methods that changed in WV 75.
But like that, how are we supposed to find all methods that changed 
with VW 75 to fix our code? ^^


On 30 Apr 2007, at 11:37 , Tudor Girba wrote:

Hi Michele,

Thanks for pointing it.

The problem was due to the transition to VW 7.5. Adrian changed
Collection>>sort(:) to sorted, and this raised some errors in Moose.

It should be fixed now in MooseDevelopment  3.2


On Apr 30, 2007, at 10:54 AM, Michele Lanza wrote:

executing MooseModel lanSampleModel in the latest moose (loaded into
a fresh image using first setup and then config) generates an


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Tudor Girba

"No matter how many recipes we'll know, we'll still value a chef."

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Alan Knight [|], Cincom Smalltalk Development

"The Static Typing Philosophy: Make it fast. Make it right. Make it run." - Niall Ross