Thanks very much.  That makes some things much simpler.  However I was only thinking about Roassal and not Mondrian.  I had thought perhaps Mondrian might retain its current interaction - not just for backwards compatibility but also conceptually... I tend to think about Mondrian as "operating on nodes" at a higher level versus Roassal as "operating on elements" at the lower level.  Something like this:
view shape rectangle size: 15.
view interaction 
	item: 'inspect model' action: [ :model | inspect ];
	item: 'browse element class' action: [ :model | model browse ].
view raw @ (ROMenuAction item: 'inspect element' action: #inspect)
view nodes: (1 to: 5).


view interaction 
	item: 'inspect element' rawAction: #inspect;

cheers -ben
Alexandre Bergel wrote:
That is actually a good point.
I think one mistake we did with Mondrian, is to completely hide the nodes in the interaction. As a consequence, you could not do any interesting interaction beside #inspect.

I've changed #item:action: now passes the element and not the model. You can have the following script for example:

	view shape rectangle size: 15.
	view interaction 
		item: 'inspect element' action: #inspect;
		item: 'inspect model' action: [ :el | el model inspect ];
		item: 'browse element class' action: [ :el | el model browse ].
	view nodes: (1 to: 5).

In Roassal 1.151


On Sep 30, 2012, at 9:30 AM, Ben Coman <> wrote:

I have split this post into two parts since I think any follow up will form two distinct threads.

As I am developing using Roassal, I find it useful to Explore the graphic elements from a context menu.  To demonstrate I have adapted ROExample>>linesOn:
  menu := (ROMenuActivable new)
      item: 'Explore graphic element' action: [ :model | (rawView elementFromModel: model) explore ].

  node1 := ROLabel elementOn: 'node1'.
  node2 := ROLabel elementOn: 'node2'.
  node1 @ RODraggable @ menu.
  node2 @ RODraggable @ menu.
  "uncomment next three lines for Part Two
  edge := ROEdge lineFrom: node1 to: node2.
  edge + (ROLine red).
  rawView add: edge.
  rawView add: node1; add: node2.
  ROHorizontalLineLayout on: (Array with: node1 with: node2).

Is there (or can there be added) a way to access the graphic element more directly? Something like one of the following two lines...
  item: 'Explore graphic element' action: [ :model :element | element explore ].
  item: 'Explore graphic element' rawAction: [ :element | element explore ].

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