Great news :)


On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 9:31 PM, Alexandre Bergel <> wrote:
Hi Peter!

I am currently working on gradual typing for Pharo.
I hope to have something ready for public consumption soon...


> On Sep 30, 2015, at 8:28 PM, Peter Uhnak <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Moose/FAMIX uses RoelTyper for type inference, how this does not seem to be maintained (last version 2013), and for my purposes is lacking.
> So do we have something more advanced, even at the expense of speed?
> Other alternative would be to either extend RoelTyper or write something custom that would be ran alongside RoelTyper.
> Examples of such extensions would be extracting the type from meta-annotations and the actual argument names. (e.g. if an argument is named aString, I can safely assume that it will be String).
> Thanks,
> Peter

Alexandre BergelĀ


"Every thing has its own flow"