To understand what you need to add in the filterOn:, you have to look in the block.
In the case of multipleWithFilter, you get the following definition:
filterOn: [:text :each | Compiler evaluate: '| each | each := self. ', text for: each logged: false ];
So, you should add use something like this as a query:
each > $f
Btw, there is a little help hint that appears with the explanation.
Of course, if you just want to do a simple name pattern matching, you can change the logic of the block.
> _______________________________________________
On 2 Jun 2012, at 23:26, Usman Bhatti wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am trying to understand the functionality of filterOn: method in GLMListingPresentation. I am not able trigger the block in glamour examples by typing the search criteria in the provided search box (c.f: multipleFinderWithFilter example). How do we trigger the filterOn: block so that the matching entities appear in the next pane of the example?
> What I am trying to achieve is to reduce the list of items in a tree with the criterion provided in the search box. Currently with the searchOn: block, I can select the matching entities in the tree, my idea is to remove the entities from the tree which do not fulfill the selection criterion.
> tx
> Usman
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