I found strange behavior of interaction. After rotating the camera highlighting is not working until I press one of movement keys. It can be seen on this example:
classes := RTObject withAllSubclasses.
v := RWView new.
n := RTMultiLinearColorForIdentity new objects: classes.
shape := RWUVSphere new size: [ :c | (c numberOfMethods / 100) + 1 ] ; color: [ :cls | (n rtValue: cls) asWDColor ].
es := shape elementsOn: classes.
es @ (RWHighlightable new highlightedColor: (Color red)).
v addAll: es.
RWCubeLayout on: es.
Also sometimes for my system highlighting works wrong - it highlights only some pieces. But, I cannot reproduce this with example. Does anybody know what is the problem and how to fix it?