
As you might has seen, GT (inspector+playground for now) is now integrated in Pharo 4. This means that the target we set one year ago of building a Moose-based IDE is becoming a reality.

I think this is a great milestone. With these tools the "market" for Roassal visualizations or other analyses opens up widely and the philosophy of Moose becomes more pervasive.

This is just the beginning of the story. The only problem is that in order to fix issues that might occur in Pharo 4 we might impact Moose as it still relies on Pharo 3. In order to fix this, we have to release Moose 5.0.

That is why I am asking here for help. The greatest problems are the Roassal visualizations. It would be ideal to release in 2 weeks.



"Every thing has its own flow"