thank you for you contribution.

I had a similar discussion with Damien Cassou (about traits).

First, it depends a lot on what you call a Trait.

What I understood is that traits boil down to an inheritance mechanism where you can specify how each property is inherited.
Typically, you don't specify anything ("normal inheritance") but when you multiply inherit the same property from two super-class, you can rename one of the 2 property (aliasing) or reject it (restriction).

So from this point of view, yes we will use Traits because we also need to deal with name collision in multiple inheritance.

Second we want to have attributes in the Famix concepts.
Again, as I understand, in Pharo, traits are currently stateless due to compilation/optimization issue.
But Fame and Famix or not real programming languages. They need to be compiled to a programming language which is compiled to a low level language.
Because the first "compilation" goes to a language with symbols (instead of accessing attributes by their position), there does not seem to be any difficulty in considering "statefull traits" in Fame/Famix.
Both methods and attributes would be treated the same (inheritance + possible aliasing/restriction)

So in this sense, we can say that we will be using statefull traits.

But in the end, I am not too sure whether it makes sense to speak of Traits at this level of abstraction.
We are currently aiming at multiple inheritance of both attributes+methods with the aliasing/restriction mechanisms.
Is this traits?

As for compiling Famix to programming languages, this is a very different story.
Currently the way it works is that we program things in Pharo, add the appropriate pragmas to the Pharo methods, and then generate Famix from the Pharo classes.
What I would like to have is more top-down: we generate everything in Famix (will need a bit of tooling here), and then we generate Pharo code automatically.

Done that way, the discussion about trait and inheritance can be eliminated because actually, one can generate a flat set of Pharo classes where all inheritance has been inlined.
In some sense, it is again similar to current implementation of Traits in Pharo where the Traits methods are compiled inside the Pharo class.

So again it will be kind of using traits again.

As for Alain's work.
I have it on my disk, but did not have the time to look at it yet.


On 04/09/2013 12:11 PM, Tudor Girba wrote:

Thanks for taking the time to lay this out. I am certainly interested in participating. I agree with most of it, except one thing: multiple inheritance.

As I said before, we should use Traits instead. There are only benefits from using Traits:
- Traits are already supported by Pharo, making it easy to integrate meta-descriptions with existing code due to the 1-to-1 mapping between meta-descriptions and code, and thus benefits from tooling.
- Traits are better at dealing with conflicts.
- Java anyway does not have multiple inheritance, so choosing between Traits and multiple inheritance has a similar impact.
- Traits can be used as types as well.
- Chef showed that we can nicely use Traits for navigation.
- And we already have a first version of a Traits extension to Fame (built by Alain Plantec).


On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 11:44 AM, Nicolas Anquetil <> wrote:

Hi guys,

Food for thoughts.
It's a long one, but it is literally the result of years of thinking and discussing Famix in our group.
This is still work in progress so that those who might want to participate have a chance to do it before everything is already decided.

You can call it a vision for the next Famix (and Fame incidentally)

Although the goal of Famix is to be able to model systems in any language, the reality of it is that it focuses very much on OO, and more precisely on ST and Java.
And even with only these two languages, it is already difficult.
Famix is the union of ST + Java which means unneeded complexity when you deal with only one of the two.

Same happen when considering something outside the current scope.
For example something as a C function calling another C function is currently represented as an invocation, which means it has a receiver (the object on which a message is sent, useless in C) and also a collection of candidates (whereas in C function names must be unique).

When working with different languages, mostly not OO, it started to annoy me, and I wanted to see how we could redesign a new Famix so that:
- we have a bare core metamodel that is really language independent
- something that is easily extensible so that one does not have to redefine basic stuff (what is a variable, a class, a method)
- no "hidden" associations as the declaredType of a FamixStructuralEntity
- it is completely model driven, which means we can regenerate all the code in Smalltalk, Java and other languages from the metamodel. Having Fame (and thus Famix) in Java helped a lot when I did VerveineJ. I can imagine having a C implementation of Fame could be nice to reuse old parsers based on Bison+Flex :-)

I had two other requirements steming from the way I see metamodels: primarily as conceptual representations of some domain. They should be as clear as possible about what is meant by the concepts and their relationships, and also it should be as close as possible from the human conception of the domain.
This implies:
- I want it to be typed. C and Java have types to guard the developer from making mistakes, I want types to clarify the meaning of the concepts, like defining an ontology
- I want it to have multiple inheritance, with as little restrictions as possible (typical multiple inheritance problems in programming languages) to try to be closer from the abstract conception of the domain.

In short, we are looking for the Graal, nothing new here :-)
Now the question is how far we can push it and how close can we get?

Discussing we had the idea of a GenericEntity, probably equivalent to the current FamixSourcedEntity.
We could have generic FunctionEntity, VariableEntity, ClassEntity inheriting from GenericEntity; MethodEntity inheriting from FunctionEntity.
And all these only stating consensual things like a class defines methods, a function defines variables.

Independent of that (meant to be used through multiple inheritance) we would have the idea that there are ContainerEntity, BehavioredEntity, TypedEntity, maybe even NamedEntity.
So that FunctionEntity (which is a GenericEntity) would also be a BehavioredEntity + a NamedEntity.

Invocation would occur between two BehavioredEntity

And we could create new entities by combining all these things.
For example, a JavaMethodEntity would inherit from MethodEntity + TypedEntity + ContainerEntity (may define classes)
A PascalProgram could be a GenericEntity+ContainerEntity (contains functions)+BehavioredEntity

All this would be declarative in the new Famix and translated in some way by Fame into different languages (lets concentrate on Pharo and Java for now).
In a first step, behaviour to be reused (like navigation between a ContainerEntity and its members) could be stored directly in the metamodel for each target language and then copied appropriately when generating actual code.
In a second step I also dream of using FAST (AST metamodeling, see to model the behaviour abstractly and then generate the code from that.

I believe this would introduce only two real changes to Moose: First Fame would have to allow for multiple inheritance, second MooseChef would have to be re-designed to allow for new queries (at least ContainerEntity, BehavioredEntity).
And of course, we would need to using it concretely to see whether it really helps considering new languages

So this is about it.
If you have any idea or comment on this, we will be glad to here from you.
If you want to participate, we will be even gladder because we are not that many and it is a lot of work.


Nicolas Anquetil -- RMod research team (Inria)

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Nicolas Anquetil -- RMod research team (Inria)