Thanks Peter for having spotted the problem. I have fixed it somehow (“somehow” because this is not an ideal solution, but good enough for now).
| v lbls es e1 e2 a1 a2 layout stepping|
v := RTView new.
lbls := RTLabel new elementsOn: #(#First #Second).
es := RTEllipse new
size: 30;
borderColor: Color black;
elementsOn: #(#source #dest).
addAll: lbls;
addAll: es.
es @ RTDraggable.
es @ RTLabeled.
e1 := RTArrowedLine new
color: Color black;
edgeFrom: es first to: es second.
v add: e1.
e2 := RTArrowedLine new
color: Color black;
edgeFrom: es second to: es first.
v add: e2.
a1 := RTAnchorConstraint new.
a1 anchorShape size: 10.
a1 guideLine color: Color red.
element: lbls first;
edge: e1;
balance: 0.2;
minDistance: 10;
(a2 := RTAnchorConstraint new)
element: lbls second;
edge: e2;
balance: 0.2;
minDistance: 10;
layout := RTForceBasedLayout new
charge: -450; length: 100;
doNotUseProgressBar; applyOn: es; yourself.
layout initialLayout: RTSugiyamaLayout new.
layout nodes: es.
layout start: es.
layout edges: { e1 . e2 }.
stepping := RTSpringLayoutStepping new
view: v; layoutWithoutPreparing: layout;
afterBlock: [ v canvas camera focusOnCenter].
v addAnimation: stepping.
^ v
Here is a screenshot:
And this is all animated. Cool stuff!
Alexandre Bergel
To which problem?
The problem is that RTSpringLayoutStepping always uses all the elements in the view and ignores what you set to the layout.
This is a problem, because it will try to also layout the anchor, but that will trigger the anchor to fix itself… and we get endless spinning.