For now there is no way to put it above the map, the script generating the visualization 'hardcode' the map description to be at the bottom. But it could be changed

2010/5/17 Mariano Martinez Peck <>
Sorry for the noise...I am an idiot. It is below the map :)

Now, can I put it in above? like kind of header?



On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 11:31 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck <> wrote:
Thanks Jannik. It worked like a charm :)

Now I have another question: how can I put a reference in a DistributionMap to know what does it mean each color.

For example, suppose I export the map to a png and I send it to to you know each color what does it mean ?

It would be cool to have such information in a header or some other visible place.

Can I do this? how?  (not with wizard please!)



On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 4:05 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <> wrote:

On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 2:53 AM, Tudor Girba <> wrote:
Hi Mariano,

I believe you did not receive the previous mails because you are not subscribed to the mailing list and the default behavior is to only reply to the moose-dev mailing list.

If you want to subscribe, you can do it through:

I am already subscribed. I even could send this email. I wouldn't be able (probably) sent the email if I was not.

The idea is that if you return multiple values in your properties block, you will get multiple colors.

Thanks Doru/Jannik  I will give a try and let you know.


On 14 May 2010, at 20:57, Laval Jannik wrote:

Hi Mariano,

If you want, I use this script in a visualization, it should help you.

^ ((DistributionMap onContainers: anOrionModel allModelPackages elements: #classes properties: [:element | element stateIn: anOrionModel] )
               propertyColorMap: (Dictionary new at: #notChanged put: Color gray; at:#isModified put: Color green; at: #isCreated put: Color blue; at: #isRemoved put: Color red; yourself); yourself)


On May 14, 2010, at 20:53 , Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:

nobody ?  :(

On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 3:58 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <> wrote:
Hi folks. I am trying to script some distribution maps. For the moment I was doing simple things with just two colors. Example:

   ^ (DistributionMap onContainers: (self listOfCorePackages
       collect: [ :each | (PackageInfo named: each) ]) elements: #classes properties: [:element | element hasUsedInstances = true] )

That show me classes with used instances with blue and the rest with red. Now I want:

element hasUsedInstances = true  ->  blue
element instanceCount > 0 and:  [hasUsedInstances = false] -> red
the rest (without instances) -> yellow

Forget about the colors, I don't care which color (although it would be cool  to be able to choose). What I don't know how to do is to define multiple properties. And I cannot use the wizard, I have to do it by code ;)

Can someone help ?

Thank you very much in advance.


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Jannik Laval

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