Hi Dennis,
I took a look:
In Metacello, you define the Monticello artifacts to be loaded.
In ConfigurationOfQuicksilver you listed things like Quicksilver-Core. However, this is only an image artifact (RPackage). In Monticello, you only have one Quicksilver Monticello package.
I sketched quickly a new configuration, but did not get a chance to test it (due to the SmallInteger bug). I published it on your repository. Please take a look.
> _______________________________________________
On Apr 30, 2013, at 4:50 PM, Dennis Schenk <d.schenk@students.unibe.ch> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm trying to make ConfiguratonOfQuicksilver work.
> When running:
> Gofer new
> smalltalkhubUser: 'Quicksilver' project: 'Quicksilver';
> package: 'ConfigurationOfQuicksilver';
> load.
> ConfigurationOfQuicksilver loadDefault.
> I get:
> 'Could not resolve: Quicksilver-Core-Tests [Quicksilver-Core-Tests] in /[...]/package-cache http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/Quicksilver/Quicksilver/main'
> Does anybody have an idea why MetacelloFetchingMCSpecLoader is looking in my local package-cache for the package and not on smalltalkhub?
> Cheers,
> Dennis
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