Hello Usman,
As a fast solution, if you are working with a Smalltalk model, you dont need to load the code in Moose. You can analyze the code directly. For example, the code below should work:
| packages|
packages := RPackage organizer packages select: [ :each | each name matches: 'EyeSee'].
onContainers: packages
elements: (packages flatCollect: #classes)
properties: [ :cl | cl authors size > 10] )
render open.
hello all,I am trying to create a distribution map for a moose model representing Citezen. Now, for each class, I am trying to color it according to its authors information. The following script should work for me:|model packages|model := (MooseModel root allModels) first.packages := model allPackages.(DistributionMap onContainers: packages elements: (model allModelClasses) properties: [:cl | cl authors > 10] )renderopen.However, the method "authors" that I am invoking on cl (a FamixClass) is not defined by FamixClass but it is described by ClassDescription. Is there anyway to connect a FamixClass to its corresponding Smalltalk class?I am thinking of getting the name of the FamixClass and somehow ask pharo to give me its corresponding Smalltalk class?Any ideas if that should work?thanx in advance,Usman
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