Hello Cesar,

By the moment, you can try the following steps to export the metrics:

1) First, run the script below in the workspace:

Gofer new
    squeaksource: 'FameImportExportEx';
    package: 'Fame-ImportExport-Extensions';

2) Then, run the script below setting the metrics you want to export and the name of your model.
You can also change allClasses by others entities such as allModelClasses, allMethods, allNamespaces, and so on.. (see the class MooseAbstractGroup).

| stream printer visitor model |

stream := MultiByteFileStream newFileNamed: 'my-metrics.csv'.
model := (MooseModel root) entityNamed: 'MyModelName'.

printer := FMTabularPrinter new stream: stream.
printer separator: $,.

visitor := RepositoryTabularVisitor new.
visitor printer: printer.

visitor selectors: #(#numberOfLinesOfCode #numberOfMethods #fanIn #fanOut).
visitor model: model allClasses.

visitor basicRun.

The result is a CSV in the directory: Contents/Resources of your image, like this:



On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 4:23 PM, Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel@me.com> wrote:


On 28 Jun 2011, at 16:20, Andre Hora wrote:

> Hello Cesar,
> I am working on that and I hope next week it will be possible.
> Then I can tell how to do that.
> For now it is not automatic.. you should write some scripts.
> regards,
> 2011/6/28 César Couto <cesarfmc@dcc.ufmg.br>
> I am a PhD student at UFMG, Brazil, and I'm working with source code
> metrics. I have a FAMIX model generated by the inFusion tool and I
> would like to know if the Moose can export source code metrics (LOC,
> WMC, LCOM, etc) of Java classes to .CSV ou XML files?
> Is there any plugin of the Moose that have this functionality?
> Cesar Couto
> --
> http://www.decom.cefetmg.br/cesar
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> Andre Hora
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Alexandre Bergel  http://www.bergel.eu


Andre Hora