Ideally choice of VM is not a decision to make just before release :)
Obviously this will improve once Moose is part of the CI where a beta period can have a OneClick can tie and image to a specific VM.

btw, I thought Moose 4.7 was based off Pharo 1.4, so the Pharo-1.4-Summer-OneClick would be the natural choice.

cheers -ben

Usman Bhatti wrote:
On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 8:39 AM, Tudor Girba <> wrote:

Now we should release 4.7.

There is no blocker. Just someone has to put together the one-click
installation, but given that the PharoVM situation is unclear, it takes
some manual effort, and I just did not have it. If someone puts it
together, it would be great. I can put together the announcement with the
release notes.


If its about taking a one-click and putting in there a 4.7 image and the
correct VM, I can do it but I'll have to see with Pharo guyz to identify
the correct VM.


On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 10:45 PM, Stéphane Ducasse <> wrote:

Hi doru

What is blocking the release of 4.8?
Because it would be good to release Moose 4.8 as the version before
migrating to STHUB
then we can work on having a version running on Pharo 2.0.

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