Thanks a lot Andrei! It works nicely now :)





De : Moose-dev [] De la part de Andrei Chis
Envoyé : jeudi 23 février 2017 15:56
À : Moose-related development
Objet : [Moose-dev] Re: Cannot inspect Hashtable anymore


Hi Vincent,


Seems that this is caused by the change of the inspector to FastTable.

This error should be fixed in a few days with the next version of GTInspector.


In the meantime you can add a custom presentation for displaying the associations from a HashTable: 


HashTable>>#gtInspectorItemsIn: composite

              ^ (composite fastTable)

                              title: 'Items';

                              display: [ Array new: self size streamContents: [ :stream |

                                              self associationsDo: [ :each | stream nextPut: each ] ] ];

                              column: 'Key' 

                                              evaluated: [:each | GTObjectPrinter new asTruncatedTextFrom: each key ];

                              column: 'Value' 

                                              evaluated: [:each | GTObjectPrinter new asTruncatedTextFrom: each value ];


                              send: [ :selection | 

                                              selection isNil 


                                              ifFalse:[ (selection size = 1) 

                                                              ifTrue: [ selection anyOne value ] 

                                                              ifFalse: [ selection collect: #value ] ]]






On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 3:36 PM, Blondeau Vincent <> wrote:



I am currently working with Hashtable which is loaded by default in the Moose image.


With the latest image, I tried to do: (HashTable new at: #a put:1;yourself) inspect. And I got an inspector with the red square of death…


It seems that the visualization wants to get the item at the position 1 in the Hashtable but it cannot succeed because  there is no item at 1 (obviously, it is an hashtable).


Can someone with GtTools knowledge take a look at that?


Thanks in advance,





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