Le 8 sept. 2014 23:28, "Andrei Chis" <chisvasileandrei@gmail.com> a écrit :
> Hi Phil,
> Thanks for your feedback :)
> Workspace has a large API. At the moment in the Playground we only implemented the minimum.
> On Mon, Sep 8, 2014 at 9:36 AM, phil@highoctane.be <phil@highoctane.be> wrote:
>> When one is in Monticello (Pharo 3.0) and asks for "View Past Comments" on a package, there is a #mnu on GTPlayground class>>openLabel:
>> Not only there but the FileList (aka FileBrowser) has that "Workspace with contents" command which is broken in the same way.
>> There is for sure an interesting equivalent in GTPlayground. Why not name it as the Workspace thing?
>> What is asked:
>> edit: aText label: labelString accept: anAction
>> "Open an editor on the given string/text"
>> ^(Smalltalk tools workspace openLabel: labelString)
>> acceptContents:  aText;
>> acceptAction: anAction;
>> yourself.
>> What GTPlayground implements:
>> openContents:
>> openContents:label:
>> We can deal with openLabel: and acceptContents but an acceptAction equivalent is not to be found.
>> Also, after looking around (see changeset in attachment), it is hard to do the acceptContents: as we get a self new openOn: page which isn't returning anything I can work with to chain acceptContents: to.
>> What to do there?
> For the moment in the implementation of acceptContents: and acceptAction: from GLMSystemWindow I delegate to the model, which is GTPlayground.
> acceptContents: can be easily implemented this way  but acceptAction: it's a little more problematic. I need to look more at how it behaves in Workspace but from what I've see we can get the same behaviour if when calling acceptAction: I set the given action to be executed on cmd+s
>> Also, there is a super annoying thing in the GTPlayground, namely the disappearance of the top right menu, with all the interesting options that are in there and that I do use all the time (like open/save, previous contents, ...). What's the point of a Playground if I can't save my plays? I think I am missing something here.
> This features are just not implemented yet. 
> We were thinking of a more general and automatic way of saving the content of the workspace but did't manage to implemented yet.
> For the previous content you have access to the entire history of the workspace. Do you find it intuitive?
> What other actions from the top down menu are missing for you?
>> I now have to go back to the old Workspace for the default.
>> It may be good to have a way to have the playground as a specific menu entry.
>> I've started using the ZnWorkspace and as it extends the Workspace, its features aren't picked up in GTPlayground of course.
>> Now, it may be great to include those Pastebin style things into GTPlayground so that we can all play together from little urls from Twitter posts.
> I'll have a look at ZnWorkspace. Did't use it yet :)
> I also integrated your changeset.
> If want to fix more bugs in the future feel free to commit directly in the Moose repository.
> I can add you as a contributor if you're not one already.

I am not. Add me please.
I would be pleased to be of help with GToolkit.

BTW is there a version which works well with the dark theme? As you can see from the screenshot things are hard to read. Uko maybe has something?

> Cheers,
> Andrei
>> All the best,
>> Phil
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