

I am afraid that the documentation about fame (and few other moose things like the moose algorithms) has vanished with the old Moose website… If someone can make it available again, it will be nice.


But, to give more usage examples:


- FMMultivalueLink

Used to create 1 to n links between famix elements. Example with inheritance where a FAMIXInheritance has a link to 1 FAMIXType and where FAMIXType have 1 link to n  FAMIXInheritances:


In FAMIXInheritance (subclass is an instance variable):


     FAMIXInheritance >>subclass

          <MSEProperty: #subclass type: #FAMIXType opposite: #superInheritances>

          <MSEComment: 'Subclass linked to in this relationship. from-side of the association'>




     FAMIXInheritance >> subclass: aType

          subclass := FMMultivalueLink on: self

                                update: #superInheritances

                                from: self subclass

                                to: aType


In: FAMIXType (superInheritances is an instance variable)

FAMIXType >>initialize

          superInheritances := FMNullMultivalueLink on: self opposite: #subclass: selector: #superInheritances.


     FAMIXType >>superInheritances

          <MSEProperty: #superInheritances type: #FAMIXInheritance opposite: #subclass> <multivalued> <derived>

          <MSEComment: 'Superinheritance relationships, i.e. known superclasses of this type.'>




     FAMIXType >> superInheritances: anInheritance

          superInheritances value: anInheritance


-  FMMultiMultivalueLink. To create n to n associations. Example:

In FAMIXInvocations (candidates is an instance variable):

FAMIXInvocations >> initialize

          candidates := FMMultiMultivalueLink on: self opposite: #incomingInvocations.


FAMIXInvocations >> candidates

          <MSEProperty: #candidates type: #FAMIXBehaviouralEntity opposite: #incomingInvocations> <multivalued>

          <MSEComment: 'List of candidate behavioural entities for receiving the invocation'>



     FAMIXInvocations >> candidates: aCollection

          candidates value: aCollection


In FAMIXBehaviouralEntity  (incomingInvocations is an instance variable):

     FAMIXBehaviouralEntity  >> initialize

          incomingInvocations := FMMultiMultivalueLink on: self opposite: #candidates.

FAMIXBehaviouralEntity   >> incomingInvocations

          <MSEProperty: #incomingInvocations type: #FAMIXInvocation opposite: #candidates> <multivalued> <derived>

          <MSEComment: 'Incoming invocations from other behaviours computed by the candidate operator.'>




     FAMIXBehaviouralEntity   >> incomingInvocations: anInvocation

          incomingInvocations value: anInvocation


- FMNullMultivalueLink: used to reduce memory consumption (see other answers)

- <multivalued>: used to describe in the meta model that the return value is a collection of entities and no only one entity.

- <derived>: as said by Guillaume: “is for things that don't require to be stored in the .mse for example because you can derive it (compute) from other data”



     <MSEProperty: #numberOfAccesses type: #Number>


     <MSEComment: 'The number of accesses from a method'>


     ^ self

           lookUpPropertyNamed: #numberOfAccesses

           computedAs: [ self accesses size ]


I know that the colors are flashy but it is to better understand the links between the names.


All these pragmas are mandatory to describe relations in Fame Meta Meta Model and should be provided accurately.


And you should put something like:


     <MSEClass: #BehaviouralEntity super: #FAMIXContainerEntity>

     <package: #FAMIX>



On class side of your Moose classes to reference them in the meta model.


After a change in the pragmas, do : MooseModel resetMeta It avoid a lots of problems ;)


Don’t hesitate if you have more questions,





> -----Message d'origine-----

> De : moose-dev-bounces@list.inf.unibe.ch [mailto:moose-dev-

> bounces@list.inf.unibe.ch] De la part de Anne Etien

> Envoyé : vendredi 1 juillet 2016 17:10

> À : Moose-related development

> Objet : [Moose-dev] Re: Documentation about Fame?


> Hi,


> We asked for an engineer to modify it. We do not know yet if we got it or not.


> What I do is that I use the example of Famix for ST to create my own FAMIX.

> <mutivalued> means that the maximal multiplicity is *. In that case, you need

> FMMultiValueLink. But when you want to initiate one FMMultivalueLink to

> null, you create a FMNullMultiValueLink.

> I don’t really know when there is <derived> or not.


> Anne




> Le 1 juil. 2016 à 16:47, Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel@me.com> a écrit :


> > hi

> >

> > Is there at least a bit of documentation about Fame?

> > I am trying to meta-describes some C elements, but it is very difficult.

> > All these are very mysterious:

> > FMNullMultivalueLink,

> > FMMultivalueLink

> > FMMultiMultivalueLink

> > <multivalued>

> > <derived>

> >

> > I feel Fame is very powerful, but very hard to understand.

> >

> > Alexandre

> > --

> > _,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:

> > Alexandre Bergel  http://www.bergel.eu

> > ^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;.

> >

> >

> >

> > _______________________________________________

> > Moose-dev mailing list

> > Moose-dev@list.inf.unibe.ch

> > https://www.list.inf.unibe.ch/listinfo/moose-dev


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