Hi,I added last night a first version of an integration of Roassal2 into Glamour.For example, try:GLMCompositePresentation newwith: [ :c |c roassal2painting: [ :v :roassal2Presentation :entity |v addAll: ((RTEllipse new color: Color purple; size: 10)elementsOn: entity withAllSubclasses) @ RTDraggable.RTEdgebuildEdgesFromObjects: entity withAllSubclassesfrom: #superclassto: #yourselfinView: v.RTClusterLayout on: v elements edges: v edges.v edges do: [ :e | e trachelShape pushBack ] ] ];openOn: CollectionIt's also integrated in GTInspector. For example, just inspect:| v |v := RTView new.v addAll: ((RTEllipse new color: Color purple)elementsOn: Collection withAllSubclasses).RTEdgebuildEdgesFromObjects: Collection withAllSubclassesfrom: #superclassto: #yourselfinView: v.RTClusterLayout on: v elements edges: v edges.v edges do: [ :e | e trachelShape pushBack ].v(see attachment)
Cheers,Doru--"Every thing has its own flow"