My email is set as the author - it is just different to the one I use on the mail list.  Actually I get one copy directly from googlecode and one through the mail-list.
On the flip side, I don't always report that the fix works from my end, nominally to avoid additional noise in the list, but maybe I should be more diligent, if that would be beneficial to close it out.  Certainly I appreciate all your efforts Alex.

cheers, Ben

Tudor Girba wrote:
It should be enough given that each person associated with a fix
should receive an explicit notification.


On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 4:20 PM, Alexandre Bergel
<> wrote:
I've just fixed it.

Quick question: does it make sense that I confirm that I fixed the issue or is the google notification enough?
Since Ben's email is not set in the author or in the Cc: field of the issue, I am not sure.

@ Ben, do you see the mail sent by that confirms I have closed the issue?


On Sep 23, 2012, at 8:55 AM, wrote:

Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium

New issue 843 by ROLightlyHighlightable drains element colour

The following code snippet results in the attached image, showing that ROLightlyHighlightable drains the original colour from el2 - leaving it drab and dreary.  I think  we need to liven up the party for poor old el2, and give him back his colour.
el1 := (ROElement on: 1) height: 50; width:50.
el1 + (ROCircle color: Color lightGreen).

el2 := (ROElement on: 1) height: 50; width:50.
el2 + (ROCircle color: Color lightGreen) @ ROLightlyHighlightable.

rawView := ROView new @ RODraggable.
rawView add: el1.
rawView add: el2.
ROHorizontalLineLayout on: rawView elements.
rawView open.

      ROLightlyHighlightable-drains-colour-from-element.png  3.6 KB

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Alexandre Bergel

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