> Nice. It is also a good way to showcase some of Roassal strengths about interaction (well, until we can say put morphic menus instead, or improve said morphic menus to be as simple to create).
> I hope the base behavior of the menus is available separately so that we can make use of it elsewhere (legends, labels, etc...), given how valuable it can be :)
Indeed! This is an excellent exercise!
>> Just to give a bit of context: We are not trying to make Roassal a GUI
>> framework. Morphic and Spec do it nicely and there is no reason to
>> compete. Instead, we just want to provide a very minimal set of widgets
>> (for now buttons, simple menu, labels) to smoothen the user experience
>> when interacting with data.
> You'll end up very close; but this can be a nice reminder of how simple the Morphic API should be in many cases.
> Thierry
>> Cheers,
>> Pierre & Alexandre
>>> On Dec 11, 2014, at 6:16 PM, Pierre CHANSON <chans.pierre@gmail.com
>>> <mailto:chans.pierre@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I changed the RTMenuBuilder in Roassal2, especially it's behavior,
>>> default colors and added more features as the definition of the
>>> highlight color.
>>> I also changed a bit the architecture but could still be a lot improved.
>>> We can also add a lot of different features to really specify the look
>>> of the menu using the builder so let me know if you have any ideas,
>>> comments.
>>> You can have a look with the example 06:
>>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>>> | v b |
>>> v := RTView new.
>>> b := RTMenuBuilder new view: v.
>>> b menu: 'add' submenu: '10' callback: [
>>> | es |
>>> es := (RTLabel new color: [ :tt| Color random ]) elementsOn:
>>> (1 to: 10).
>>> es do: [ :e | e translateTo: ((500 atRandom @ 500 atRandom) -
>>> (250 @ 250)) ].
>>> v addAll: es.
>>> v canvas signalUpdate ].
>>> b menu: 'add' submenu: '20' callback: [
>>> | es |
>>> es := (RTLabel new color: [ :tt| Color random ]) elementsOn:
>>> (1 to: 20).
>>> es do: [ :e | e translateTo: ((500 atRandom @ 500 atRandom) -
>>> (250 @ 250)) ].
>>> v addAll: es.
>>> v canvas signalUpdate ].
>>> b menu: 'remove' submenu: 'odd' background: (Color blue alpha:0.3)
>>> callback: [ (v elements select: [ :e | e model odd ]) do: #remove. v
>>> canvas signalUpdate ].
>>> b menu: 'remove' submenu: 'even' background: Color red callback: [
>>> (v elements select: [ :e | e model even ]) do: #remove. v canvas
>>> signalUpdate ].
>>> b menu: 'shuffle' highlight: Color lightBlue callback: [
>>> | tra |
>>> tra := RTSmoothLayoutTranslator new.
>>> tra nbCycles: 0.5.
>>> (v elements do: [ :e | tra translate: e to: ((500 atRandom @
>>> 500 atRandom) - (250 @ 250)) ]) ].
>>> v open
>>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>>> sincerely yours,
>>> Pierre Chanson
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