I've had some trouble with email. I'm not sure if this one made it out or
if I just didn't get it back from the list. I would have missed any
Ben Coman wrote:
So in the end I added 'self update' to the start of
GLMMagrittePresentation>>reactOnAnswerFor: as follows...
reactOnAnswerFor: aValue
self update.
^ answerBlock glamourValue:
(aValue asGlamorousMultiValue,
self asGlamorousMultiValue,
self entity asGlamorousMultiValue)
and now the <cancel> button works as expected. However I still don't know
what reactOnAnswerFor is meant to do, or if there
is a more appropriate way of achieving this. Please let me know.
I also haven't had any success getting the #list pane to refresh when a
change is saved on the #detail pane. Any assistance will be greatly
cheers, -ben
Phew! That was a lot to take in. Upon further investigation I retract
modifying GLMMagrittePresentation.
The solution to both the <save> and <cancel> buttons can be encompassed
entirely within the user code with one additional line 'onAnswer:'
magritteParentPrototype := a magritte.
magritteParentPrototype "these are the essential parts"
title: 'Details';
description: [:person | person magritteDescription] ;
onAnswer: [ :ignore | browser update ] .
I have uploaded this as Glamour-Examples-BenComan.230
Note that I think this only worked for me last time when I had MagritteMagic
loaded onto Moose 4.6.
cheers, Ben
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