Pimon is a simple graphical engine.

Inheriting from Figure only provided display facility. It is not essential for the algorithm. So, you should not do anything in this direction.

Now that you mentioned, you should get those classes inherit from Object instead of ProtoObject.


On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 3:06 PM, Usman Bhatti <usman.bhatti@gmail.com> wrote:
I am working on porting an FCA library from VW to Pharo.
In VW, classes LatticeNode and Lattice inherit from a class: Pimon.Figure.

The corresponding classes in pharo, already ported, inherit from ProtoObject.
My question: Is there an easy workaround (that is inheriting from a similar class in pharo doing the work of Pimon.Figure) or do I need to rewrite these Lattice and LatticeNode classes?



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