Now, the RTMultiLinearColorForIdentity default is a bit difficult to read/print. I have fiddled with it, works nicer now.Is there any alternating palette possible?
Still, how can I have a separator between categories and the category name in the list on top of the methods?(Sorry to be asking but I've got to document a framework and this view is really a huge timesaver).Is there a way to do it left to right instead of top down?
I am used to dot, are there similar "cluster" abilities somewhere?
Would it be possible to put the package name somewhere in the top right of the UML boxes (like small and italics?)
Ha, I am now very interested by this UMLView and Playground is much more attractive :-D
_______________________________________________On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 6:01 PM, Alexandre Bergel <> wrote:Try this:-=-=—=-=-=—=-=-=—=-=-=—=classes := RTShape withAllSubclasses.allMethodCategories := (classes flatCollect: #protocols) asSet asArray.b := RTUMLClassBuilder new.n := RTMultiLinearColorForIdentity new objects: allMethodCategories.b methodShape labelcolor: [ :m | n rtValue: m protocol ].b methodsNames: [ :cls | (cls methods sortedAs: #protocol) ].b addObjects: classes.b treeLayout.b view setDefaultMenu.b build.b view-=-=—=-=-=—=-=-=—=-=-=—=<Screen Shot 2014-11-06 at 2.00.43 PM.png>Cheers,Alexandre--
Alexandre Bergel
On Nov 6, 2014, at 12:38 PM, wrote:_______________________________________________Thanks you.Got this working. It is cool.b := RTUMLClassBuilder new.package := RPackageOrganizer default packageNamed: 'MyTopLevelPackage'.tags := package classTags.objects := (tags collect: [ :t | package classesForClassTag: t name]) flatten.b addObjects: objects.b treeLayout.b build.b viewI do miss method categories. How is one visualizing that? All of my methods are lumped up in a big pile. Is there any way I can get a kind of compartment for each of them?In the past, I tried out Dandelion tooling and there was an XMI export. Do you have that somewhere in Moose?PhilOn Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 2:29 PM, Tudor Girba <> wrote:Hi,To get the tags you can just send #classTags to the RPackage instance:(RPackageOrganizer default packageNamed: 'Roassal2') classesForClassTag: 'Builder-UML'Btw, if you load the latest version of GT-InspectorExtensions-Core, you will get some presentations that might help navigating.Cheers,DoruOn Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 2:07 PM, <> wrote:I commented out the click thing.I got the view. Nice.Now, another problem.My package has a lot of tags in it. So, the package is too big to give anything sensical in the UML view (very very wide picture).I tried this:(RPackageOrganizer default packageNamed: 'Blah-Webapplication') definedClasses.But of course, it doesn't work.How is one getting classes from one tag, or more than one level?Package tags are like: Blah-Webapplication-Parts, Blah-Webapplication-Framework etc.TIAPhilOn Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 1:15 PM, Tudor Girba <> wrote:Indeed. You need a fairly recent version of Roassal2 to get RTUMLClassBuilder.For a package, you can simply trigger it like this (inspect):b := RTUMLClassBuilder new.b addObjects: (RPackageOrganizer default packageNamed: 'AST-Core') definedClasses.b treeLayout.b build.b viewCheers,DoruOn Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 12:55 PM, Peter Uhnák <> wrote:Do you have the latest version?Gofer new smalltalkhubUser: 'ObjectProfile' project: 'Roassal2'; package: 'ConfigurationOfRoassal2'; load. (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfRoassal2) loadDevelopmentOn Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 12:37 PM, <> wrote:Thx... Roassal2 is loaded in my image but there is no RTUMLClassBuilder there.<image.png>Where can I get that?PhilOn Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 11:42 AM, Peter Uhnák <> wrote:Check out RTUMLClassBuilder in Roassal2, this is used by Moose. (Not sure by Pharo 3 compatibility but Roassal2 should work there.)PeterOn Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 11:10 AM, Usman Bhatti <> wrote:I haven't seen support for UML class diagrams in a Pharo image yet.However, it is possible in Moose image.Open MoosePanel, import your code in Moose (st icon on top right). One model imported, All Model Classes-> right click -> UML Class diagram.usman_______________________________________________Hello,I've got an image I develop in and would like to be able to generate diagrams for a number of classes and relationships to explain how things are working to other people.How can I do that with Moose? (Or GT I have loaded in 3.0)I have seen a couple diagrams floating around, so it is definitely possible to do.But I also saw that all of that was done in a Moose image and not in a normal Pharo image.TIAPhil
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