I tried to build a graph in glamour. It works very well, but the numerotation of x-axis is not correct. 
There are an example follow:

 | b |
 b := GLMTabulator new.
 b column: #first.
 b column: #second.
 b transmit to: #first; andShow: [ :a |
         a list
                 display: (1 to: 20);

b transmit from: #first; to: #second; andShow: [ :a |
         a roassal2 painting: [ :view :input |
                 | bg |
                 bg := GET2Line new view: view; data: (input to: 30).
                 bg y: [ :x | x * x.  ].
                 bg build
b openOn:42.

ATREVI D. Fabrice
Master en Informatique A l'Institut de la Francophonie pour l'Informatique (IFI/Hanoï)