WOW  a pharo video where someone actually speaks, thats rare :D

Impressive tool, and certainly useful if you have to do a lot of changes in a lot of code. The name is a bit misleading because its not really a general purpose macro recorder and focused only on transformations.

I vaguely remember another macro recorder that was able to macro record and playback any pharo action.

On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 10:35 AM Gustavo Santos <> wrote:

Hello guys,

I would like to present you MacroRecorder, a tool to build custom source code transformations in Pharo.

The tool is available in the Catalog for some weeks now.
The current version runs in Pharo 5 and there is an old version running in Pharo 4.

To show how this tool works, I prepared a quick demo video.
Take a look:

Right now, I'm interested in usage data.
That means, if you face a case of repetitive code transformation in practice, and I believe this happened to most of you, please:
(i) show me the transformations you did, in case they already happened in the past, or
(ii) consider using the tool to apply them automatically

And, of course, feel free to ask questions, provide feedback, etc.

Kind regards,

Gustavo Santos

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