Very nice Alex.
I'll have a look now.

On Fri, Dec 5, 2014 at 8:23 PM, Alexandre Bergel <> wrote:

Just to share some of the progresses we are making with Grapher.

We can now mix bar and curve. Here is an example:

Result of the script:
| b ds |
b := RTGrapherBuilder new.
b extent: 400 @ 400.

ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
ds barShape color: (Color red).
ds points: (-3 to: 3.1415 * 5 by: 0.1).
ds y: [ :v | v sin ].

b add: ds.

ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
ds noDot.
ds connectColor: Color blue.
ds points: (-3 to: 3.1415 * 5 by: 0.1).
ds y: [ :v | v cos ].
b add: ds.

b build.

Another example:
data := (1 to: 20) collect: [ :v | 10 atRandom - 5 ].
b := RTGrapherBuilder new.

b extent: 300 @ 200.

ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
ds interaction popup.
ds points: data.
ds barShape width: 8; 
      color: (Color green alpha: 0.3);
     if: [:value | value < 0 ] fillColor: (Color red alpha: 0.3).
b add: ds.


Alexandre Bergel

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