This was discussed before both on the Moose and on the Pharo mailing list. We are loading explicitly an older version of Athens because we could not work at all with the one that came from Pharo, and nobody reacted at the time to the font issue:
This is a workaround fir the bug described here:
Gofer new
smalltalkhubUser: 'Pharo' project: 'Pharo30';
package: 'Athens-Cairo' constraint: [ :version |
version author = 'MarcusDenker' and: [ version versionNumber = 51 ] ];
package: 'Athens-Core' constraint: [ :version |
version author = 'MarcusDenker' and: [ version versionNumber = 34 ] ];
Now it's great that you are looking at it. So, I now removed it from the setup and the image is now relying on the latest Pharo 3.0. The build is running now: