
is it possible to interchange custom properties via MSE?


I have added myProp to the method:

(id: 1)
(name 'MyClass'))
(id: 2)
(name 'myMethod')
(myProp 'someValue')
(parentType (ref: 1))))

This is imported fine

s := Clipboard clipboardText asString.

model := MooseModel importFromMSEStream: s readStream.

model allMethods first propertyNamed: 'myProp'. "'someValue'"

1) I cannot see it in the Properties tab of the Moose Inspector,
2) when I export it, it is lost
(instead some other properties are exported that I didn't ask for)

model asMSEString. "'(
(FAMIX.Class (id: 1)
(name ''MyClass''))
(FAMIX.Method (id: 2)
(name ''myMethod'')
(cyclomaticComplexity -1)
(numberOfConditionals -1)
(numberOfLinesOfCode -1)
(numberOfStatements -1)
(parentType (ref: 1))
(timeStamp '''')))'"

The same thing applies when I add custom Metanool annotation in the Meta edit tab... e.g. I add `an AnonymousClass[String]` with name `anotherProp` and some value, I can actually see it in the `Properties` tab (unlike the one imported),
but when exported, it is also missing.

Do I need to do some extra steps in order to interchange this information?
