Another idea would be to select an item when we right-click on it. It seems that this is what is doing the morphic rendering: when I right-click on a list item , it select it. I guess this would be easier to implement (add the same actions/scripts for the right-click than for the left click)
Ok thanks, I commited what I did for nor now. The changes are in SGLTreePresenter >> renderNodeTitleFor:on:One idea I had was to had a 'onClick:' or a 'onSelect:' script (for each list item) that would set or not the context menu. But I'm not sure we can set a tag attribute (here the context menu Id) dynamically
2011/8/9 Andrei Vasile Chis <>Hi,Determining if a node is selected is easy: this.options.selectedNodes contains a listwith the ids of the selected nodes and $node.attr('id') returns the id of the current node.However I don't see an easy way to display the context menu dynamically only onthe selected nodes. This is mainly because the mb-menu plugin doesn't offer thisfunctionality.If you could send me the code you wrote so far(or commit it) I'll look for a solution.AndreiOn Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 6:21 PM, Cyrille Delaunay <> wrote:
Reusing mbMenu , I managed to have something starting to to work. In the SGLTreePresenter , when I render a node , I have at one point :html divscript: (self menuScriptWith: html);contextMenu: self contextMenuId;....So for now each time I right click on a list item, the context menu appear well (which is already a good improvment for me :)).Now I guess that this menu should appear only when an item is selected. Do you have any idea about how I could dynamically set the menu ? I just looked at your previous answer , maybe I should at _addMarkupAndBindingsForNode ?2011/7/30 Andrei Vasile Chis <>Hi,As far as I know no right-click menu is implemented in glamour-seaside.The action menus are done using the mb menu jquery plugin, which supportscontextul menus. I think this plugin uses the same html for normal and contextmenus so it will be possible to reuse the part that builds the menu.However, it may need some extending, as it doesn't support sub-menus.Regarding the implementation the question is if you would like to supportdynamic actions? If you would like this then you have to dymanically loadthe menus by using ajax. Fortunately the plugin has this feature.To bind the event to the tree look at _addMarkupAndBindingsForNode fromthe sglTree widget.AndreiOn Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 5:29 PM, Cyrille Delaunay <> wrote:
_______________________________________________Hello,I'm looking to have the selection right-click menu working with glamour-seaside (which is currently not implemented ?).Does somoene already woked on this or have any suggestions about how to do that ?After looking a bit, maybe it is possible to reuse the scripts used for the actions menu of a presentation (?)
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