Solved, there were more than one opposite references in the metamodel. Because the pragma processor was processing a dictionary of references, the order was random and it caused such undeterministic behavior.

-- Pavel

2017-01-19 12:23 GMT+01:00 Anne Etien <>:

I am developing a tool based on Fame pragma.
Considering the following methods:
FAMIXSQLExpression >>referencedRequests
<MSEProperty: #referencedRequests type: #FAMIXRequest opposite: #usedInExpression> <multivalued> 
<MSEComment: 'List of requests referenced by the expression.'>
^ referencedRequests

FAMIXRequest >>usedInExpression
<MSEProperty: #usedInExpression type: #FAMIXSQLExpression opposite: #referencedRequests>
<MSEComment: 'Expression in which the request is used.'>
^ usedInExpression

 (FAMIXSQLExpression mooseDescription at: 'referencedRequests') hasOpposite should return true.
However, I don’t have always the same behavior after each resetMeta.
(1 to: 100) do: [ : e | MooseModel resetMeta. (FAMIXSQLExpression mooseDescription at: 'referencedRequests') hasOpposite ifFalse: [ 1halt ] ].
always halts, at some unpredictable iteration (usually less than 10)

Does someone has any idea what is the problem and how to solve it?

By the way, MooseSQL is available here

Thanks in advance for your help.


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