Hi Alex,

Nesting in Roassal 2 works well without a label for the root entity. But when adding a label, to the root, the nesting isn't displayed properly. For example:

| view el shape  innerElements |
view := RTView new.
el := (RTBox new width: 80; height: 40; color: (Color purple alpha: 0.3)) element + (RTLabel new text:'test') .
el translateTo: 200 @ 150.
shape := RTBox new color: (Color red alpha: 0.3); size: #yourself.
innerElements := (1 to: 30) collect: [ :i | shape elementOn: i ].
view addAll: innerElements.
layout: RTGridLayout new;
on: el nest: innerElements.
view add: el.
view open.

Is this a bug or should a separate label for the root entity?


Inline image 1

Without label:

Inline image 5