Within Roassal I need to have a svg shape that knows about a path.
Currently I do not make use of Athens to draw the SVG, I simply use Athens to draw lines.
But in roassal you do not have the concept of a polylines?
Ok I saw that SVGPath are not polyline as I originally thought. NOw
I do not get why you want to pollute Roassal with SVG names.
If you introduce the notion of Path why don;t you do it independent of SVG
because SVG is one way to represent path.
Within Roassal I can define any SVG path as a shape. For example:
view add: (ROSVGPath path: 'M10,10 L30,30') element
Why this should not be at the level of Roassal? If I want to define a box, I would simply do
view add: (ROBox new extent: 30 @ 20) element
Because I think that as a user I do not want to if my code works on svg or another external format.
If tomorrow you get a pdf reader and access a library of pdf library. Do you want your reader to
- Rectangle <rect>
- Circle <circle>
- Ellipse <ellipse>
- Line <line>
- Polyline <polyline>
- Polygon <polygon>
- Path <path>
So I imagine (and hope) that you will not introduce ROSVGRectangle ROSVGLine
So why introducing ROSVGPath