Yes Doru, I will check it ASAP (the problem was that only *now* our Hudson is updated and able to deal with report plugins)
The message of Marcus below:

On May 12, 2011, at 1:03 AM, Andre Hora wrote:

> Hello,
> Johan, thanks for the pointer. I will have a look. In fact, with AspectMaps I can have a hierarchic view (package, classes, methods) of the problems.  It is interesting.
> Nicolas, in fact most of these problems are related to the RBSpellingRule. This rule produces a lot of problems and most of them are false positives. I think I should not use it.
Yes, far too many false positives.

> Stef, as I said in the previous email, I created a job in Hudson to generate a simple report with smallLint rules for Moose and Pharo. These reports are generated every day with the last version of Moose/Pharo and stored..
> Moose report:
> Pharo report:
The current Hudson should already have the violations plugin installed:

- in the "Post-build Actions" section, enable "Report Violations" (requires the Violations plugin to be installed)
- enter "**/*-Lint.xml" into the text input labelled "pmd XML filename pattern"

Marcus Denker  --
INRIA Lille -- Nord Europe. Team RMoD.

Andre Hora