We had a wonderful week here in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Juan-Pablo, Juraj and I have taught Pharo and Moose during 5 days. Was pretty cool!
Here is a script that shows that one of the group was able to produce in just 3 days.
The figures analyze the content of my package-cache directory. It shows the number of commit per day, per hour, per author.

myRepository := MCCacheRepository default.
myRepository allVersionNames.
packageNames := myRepository allVersionNames select: [ :e | 'Roassal*' match: e ].
"packageNames := myRepository allVersionNames. "
lista := packageNames collect: [ :packageName |
myRepository versionInfoFromVersionNamed: packageName. ].
autores := lista groupedBy: [ :e | e author ].
fechas := lista groupedBy: [ :e | e date ].
horas := lista groupedBy: [ :e | e time hour ].
c := RTComposer new.
v := c view.
c gap: 50.
popup := RTPopup text: [:assoc | assoc key asString, ', commits:', assoc value size asString].
elements := (RTEllipse elementsOn: fechas associations).
v addAll: elements @ popup.
builder := RTGlobalBuilder new.
view: v;
normalizeX: [ :e | e key asTimeStamp asUnixTime ]
min: 0
max: 50000;
normalizeSize: [:e | e value size ] min: 10 max: 20;
normalizeColor: [:e | e value size ];
alphaColor: 0.3;
elementsToConsider: elements;
"We add a line from the left most element to the right most element"
v add: ((RTLine new color: Color lightGray) edgeFrom: v elements leftMostElement to: v elements rightMostElement).
"It make sense to only drag horizontally"
v @ RTHorizontalDraggableView.
c propagateHighlight.
c group: 'date'.
listTags := Array new: autores size.
autores doWithIndex: [ :each :i|
test := each groupedBy: [ :e | e date ].
elements := (RTEllipse elementsOn: test associations).
v addAll: elements @ popup.
elementsToConsider: elements;
v add: ((RTLine new color: Color lightGray) edgeFrom: elements leftMostElement to: elements rightMostElement).
newTag := 'Author' asString, i asString.
listTags at: i put: newTag.
c propagateHighlight.
c group: newTag.
popup := RTPopup text: [:assoc | 'Hour: ' asString, assoc key asString, ', commits:', assoc value size asString].
elements := (RTEllipse elementsOn: horas associations).
v addAll: elements @ popup.
builder := RTGlobalBuilder new.
view: v;
normalizeX: [ :e | e key ]
min: 0
max: 380;
normalizeSize: [:e | e value size ] min: 10 max: 20;
normalizeColor: [:e | e value size ];
alphaColor: 0.3;
elementsToConsider: elements;
v add: ((RTLine new color: Color lightGray) edgeFrom: elements leftMostElement to: elements rightMostElement).
c propagateHighlight.
c group: 'Hour'.
popup := RTPopup text: [:assoc | assoc author asString, ', ' , ' message size: ', assoc message size asString].
elements := (RTEllipse elementsOn: lista).
v addAll: elements @ popup.
builder := RTGlobalBuilder new.
view: v;
normalizeX: [ :e | e timeStamp asUnixTime ]
min: 0
max: 50000;
normalizeSize: [ :e | e message size ] min: 10 max: 20;
normalizeColor: [ :e | e message size ];
alphaColor: 0.3;
elementsToConsider: elements;
v add: ((RTLine new color: Color lightGray) edgeFrom: elements leftMostElement to: elements rightMostElement).
c propagateHighlight.
c group: 'Comment'.
listTags doWithIndex: [ :e :i|
(i == 1)
ifTrue: [
c move: e below: 'date'.
last := e.
c nameGroup: 'date' as: 'History by Date'.
aAuthor := autores keys at: i.
c nameGroup: e as: 'History by: ' asString, aAuthor asString.
ifFalse: [
c move: e below: last.
last := e.
aAuthor := autores keys at: i.
c nameGroup: e as: 'History by: ' asString, aAuthor asString.
c move: 'Hour' below: last.
c nameGroup: 'Hour' as: 'History by Hour'.
c move: 'Comment' below: 'Hour'.
c nameGroup: 'Comment' as: 'History by Comment'.
"We add a small legend"
v canvas addFixedShape: (TRLabelShape new text: 'History of Changes').
TRConstraint stickAtTheBottomOfTheWindow: v canvas fixedShapes last.
Alexandre Bergel