Hi Nico

As you noticed, Moose is not (yet) made to load in a Pharo Core image. The full suite can only be loaded in a Pharo normal image.

Now it would be cool to have a special 'Core' configuration which could be loaded into a PharoCore for analysis. I know that Jannik worked on that a bit.
Especially since we now have good tools (dsm, blueprints) to take a look into that :)
So one dependency which we cant escape is the refactoring browser, because of the Smalltalk importer.

BTW, if you plan to use Moose regularly, the best is to subscribe to the mailing list:

On 27 aoūt 2010, at 11:13, Nicolįs Paez wrote:

Hi, to workaround this issue, I started the setup again, loading first the RB package and after that Moose, that was enough to prevent the warning and everything went ok.

blog: nicopaez.wordpress.com

On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 10:16 AM, Nicolas Paez <nicopaez@gmail.com> wrote:


Pharo image: PharoCore-1.1-11411
VM: Squeak4.1.1.exe
Moose: Loaded using Gofer script available in SqueakSource.
Issue: it fails when trying to general a Smalltalk model


This morning I have started by taking a clean PharoCore-1.1 image and launching the installation of Moose using the following command:

Gofer new
	squeaksource: 'Moose'; 
	package: 'ConfigurationOfMoose';
(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfMoose) perform: #loadDefault

After some minutes the installation started I got the following warning message. It seems that Moose depends on the Refactoring  Browser that is not present in the image.


I proceeded with the process and it finished I try to create a Smalltalk Model including the following packages:
  • Kernel
  • System-Support
  • Compiler
  • Collections
When the model generation started I get the following error (the SmalltalkMethodVisitor class is not present in the image):



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