Pharo image: PharoCore-1.1-11411
VM: Squeak4.1.1.exe
Moose: Loaded using Gofer script available in SqueakSource.
Issue: it fails when trying to general a Smalltalk model
This morning I have started by taking a clean PharoCore-1.1 image
and launching the installation of Moose using the following command:
Gofer new
squeaksource: 'Moose';
package: 'ConfigurationOfMoose';
(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfMoose) perform: #loadDefault
After some minutes the installation started I got the following
warning message. It seems that Moose depends on the Refactoring
Browser that is not present in the image.
I proceeded with the process and it finished I try to create a
Smalltalk Model including the following packages:
- Kernel
- System-Support
- Compiler
- Collections
When the model generation started I get the following error (the
SmalltalkMethodVisitor class is not present in the image):