Yes it was made on purpose to support this scenario. 
All the properties that are not described are put in the property dict of the entity.
If this is not like that then we got a bug and we should fix it. 

About metanool I think that we should remove it. 


On 17 Jan 2019, at 10:14, Peter Uhnak <> wrote:


is it possible to interchange custom properties via MSE?


I have added myProp to the method:

(id: 1)
(name 'MyClass'))
(id: 2)
(name 'myMethod')
(myProp 'someValue')
(parentType (ref: 1))))

This is imported fine

s := Clipboard clipboardText asString.

model := MooseModel importFromMSEStream: s readStream.

model allMethods first propertyNamed: 'myProp'. "'someValue'"

1) I cannot see it in the Properties tab of the Moose Inspector,
2) when I export it, it is lost
(instead some other properties are exported that I didn't ask for)

model asMSEString. "'(
(FAMIX.Class (id: 1)
(name ''MyClass''))
(FAMIX.Method (id: 2)
(name ''myMethod'')
(cyclomaticComplexity -1)
(numberOfConditionals -1)
(numberOfLinesOfCode -1)
(numberOfStatements -1)
(parentType (ref: 1))
(timeStamp '''')))'"

The same thing applies when I add custom Metanool annotation in the Meta edit tab... e.g. I add `an AnonymousClass[String]` with name `anotherProp` and some value, I can actually see it in the `Properties` tab (unlike the one imported),
but when exported, it is also missing.

Do I need to do some extra steps in order to interchange this information?


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