Hi Meinert,

Please, let us know whether Doru’s help solved your problem.


On Aug 10, 2016, at 3:04 AM, Meinert Schwartau <m.schwartau@gmail.com> wrote:

I want to display the dependencies between my classes. I wonder why the following code does not work, it displays the classes in a circle but not the edges between them. I’m using Moose 6 und Pharo 5 (downloaded yesterday) and evaluated the following code in the moose panel in the evaluator:


view := RTMondrian new.
view nodes: ArrayedCollection withAllSubclasses.
view edges: (ArrayedCollection withAllSubclasses)  from: [ :cls | cls yourself ]  to: [ :cls | cls referencedClasses ].
view circleLayout.


Then I tried to display the dependencies between my own classes (parsed by jdt2famix) but got an exception. After clicking on All classes in the moose panel I entered the following code in the evaluator:
|view allClasses|
view := RTMondrian new.
allClasses := self allClasses. 
view nodes: allClasses.
view edges: allClasses  from: [ :cls | cls yourself ]  to: [ :cls | cls providerTypes].
view circleLayout.


If I execute the code above, I get an “MessageNotUnderstood: reveiver of “atScope:” is nil” exception. If I remove the “view edges: allClasses  from: [ :cls | cls yourself ]  to: [ :cls | cls providerTypes].” statement I don’t get an exception, the RTMondorian view opens, but no classes are displayed as dots in the view.


Any suggestions?


Best regards

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