
On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 11:59 AM, Stephan Eggermont <stephan@stack.nl> wrote:
Keep up the good work! It is getting better all the time.
- I wanted to search for source, not source: or something starting with source.
  I thought perhaps typing a space after source would reduce the result set.

This is not yet possible.

If you want to play with strategies in this direction, you can look at subclasses of GTFilter. At the moment, most processors use the most basic GTFilterSubstring. There are already other things available, including GTFilterStringMatch or GTFilterRegex, but they are obviously slower. This part will be in our focus next.
- I tried selecting the list of implementors with the mouse, but was only able to
  do so after moving the selection to the first of the implementors.

I am not sure I understand this part. Are you clicking on the "Implementors" label, or on an element in the list. The latter should work, the former should not.



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