I'm working on vizualisation with Roassal2 and I would like to have some feedbacks on my work.
You can vizualise some elements in their containers and test a property on the elements.
You have the legend build with the property and a menu (not a lot of features in the menu but it will come).
Edges are not available yet, but I'm working on it.
The repository :
user: ''
password: ''
To load the project : ConfigurationOfTelescope load
To play with it you can follow this example :
| telescope |
telescope := TLTelescope new onContainers: Collection withAllSubclasses elements: #authors properties: #yourself.
telescope numberOfColors: 9. "optional"
telescope open
| telescope |
telescope := TLTelescope new onElements: Collection withAllSubclasses containers: #package properties: [ :class | class numberOfLinesOfCode > 30 ].
telescope numberOfColors: 9. "optional"
telescope open
If you have any ideas, or find somes bugs do not hesitate to report to me.
Leo Perard