Yesterday, I was using GraphET (a part of Roassal) to do some charts and, today, when I wanted to reopen the image.
And I got that :
It is *very* unpleasant…
To reproduce the bug:
1 - You can do either:
| builder |
builder := GET2Line data: (0 to: 100) .
y: [ :x | x*x ].
builder open.
WorldMenu -> Roassal examples -> choose an item -> click on a graph . A TRMorph should be opened.
2 - don’t close the graph and save the pharo image.
3 – Close the pharo image
4 - Reopen it
I am under W7 x64 with the latest moose image and the VM available on the pharo.org website (http://files.pharo.org/platform/Pharo3.0-win.zip) from the 10 july.
You will find the crash dump attached.
Thankfully, I managed to open the image with a latest VM
Thanks a lot Eliot ! :)
And I got this:
Thanks in advance