Le 21 mars 2015 01:01, "Peter Uhnák" <i.uhnak@gmail.com> a écrit :
> Hi!
> Seeing your other (Grapher charting engine) post I wanted to look at it and it looks interesting. :)
> However I've encountered weird behavior - maybe because I'm not using in correctly.
> When you look at the bar chars they do not line up with the tick numbers at bottom.
> I have explicitly specified number of ticks (20). Interestingly if I change it (to 30) then it lines up but is moved to left by one (starts at zero instead of one - just by changing numberOfTicks).
> Here is the script I used to create it (the data is generated from another script)
> ================================
> data := {1->0.3024011554432208. 2->24.359090088463624. 3->17.660001805380034. 4->12.111843293013179. 5->7.624345549738219. 6->5.985963170247337. 7->4.740250947824517. 8->3.837560931576097. 9->3.0691460552446292. 10->2.819777938256003. 11->2.3334536920021667. 12->1.9915598483480772. 13->1.6970572305470302. 14->1.3089005235602094. 15->1.1847806463260515. 16->1.0640458566528253. 17->0.8891496660046939. 18->0.7244087380393573. 19->0.670247337064452. 20->0.5878768730817837}.
> y := [ :pair | (data select: [ :each | each key <= pair key ]) inject: 0 into: [:sum :item | sum + item value ]].
> b := RTGrapher new.
> b extent: 500 @ 400.
> ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
> ds points: data.
> ds x: #key.
> ds y: y.
> ds barShape.
> b add: ds.
> ds2 := RTStackedDataSet new.
> ds2 points: data.
> ds2 x: #key.
I think that a RTStackedDataset is not using x.
> ds2 y: y.
> ds2 connectColor: Color green.
> ds2 highlightIf: [ :pair | true ] using: [ :pair | (y value: pair) roundTo: 1 ].
> b add: ds2.
> b axisX
> noDecimal;
> numberOfTicks: 20; "<- change to 30 to break it"
Try number of labels instead.
> title: 'method size (LOC)'.
> b axisY
> noDecimal;
> title: '% share'.
> b build.
> lb := RTLegendBuilder new.
> lb view: b view.
> lb addColor: Color green text: 'Method size distribution'.
> lb build.
> b view open.
> ================================
> It's also amazing that 1/4 of all Pharo code is in two-line methods; that's including the method name. :)
> Peter
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