Happy New Year, everyone!

Last year was quite interesting:
- we had two rather successful MooseDays (thanks again Anne and Inria for organizing the second one)
- we were joined by quite a number of newcomers (thanks for your trust)
- we got much closer to the Pharo development - we are literally working on the very latest of Pharo. I think this is exciting both for Moose and for Pharo.
- Roassal came to fruition with Athens and multiple builders, layouts and libraries on top (thanks ObjectProfile & co).
- GlamorousToolkit started to be useful with the Inspector, Debugger and Metaceller (thanks Andrei and Diego).
- Moose on web opened an interesting direction (thanks Synectique & co).
- PetitJava and FAST started to be promising (thanks Nicolas, Yuriy & co).
- Rubric was added silently for the moment (thanks Alain and Synectique).
- Several new visualizations made it into Moose.

I am sure I forgot many things. Please feel free to reply and complete the list.

We have a great momentum. And I think the year to come will be even more exciting. Don't you?! :)
