Hi once again,
What are the main features of a system to be extracted for MOOSE in order to have a fair idea of its functioning?
For the meantime, I have my exporter which extracts:
- Namespaces present in the system
- Classes and their association to each namespace (name, belongsTo, NOM stub information)
- Methods (name, signature, belongsTo, LOC, isAbstract)
- Attributes (name, belongsTo)
-Invocation (candidate, invokedBy, invokes, stub information)
- Accesses (accessedIn, accesses, readWriteAccess, stub information)
Well, at least this helps me to have a blueprint of the system complexity. Does this information suffice to perform a concept analysis?
One more thing, could someone help explaining the readWriteAccess information for attribute access because most of the attributes have both?
Thanx in advance
P.S: Attached to this mail is an image of blueprint complexity for my .NET exporter.