On 27 Jun 2018, at 15:10, Serge Stinckwich <serge.stinckwich@gmail.com> wrote:_______________________________________________We are pleased to announce the release of PolyMath 0.101PolyMath is a numerical computing and data analysis library on top of Pharo.The code is available here: https://github.com/PolyMathOrg/PolyMathand can be loaded in a fresh Pharo 6.1 image with:Metacello new repository: 'http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/PolyMath/PolyMath/main'; configuration: 'PolyMath'; version: '0.101'; loadThe current work is mostly focused on cleaning the codebase in order to release the 1.0 version for September 2018. Please help us, by looking at the issues here: https://github.com/PolyMathOrg/PolyMath/issues , joining #polymath channel on Discord or polymath mailing-list: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/polymath-project--Serge Stinckwich
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