Hi Hernán,Sorry to reply to late.Can you update Roassal and try:-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=g := RTGrapher new.
ds := RTData new.
ds barShape.
ds points: #(1 2 3 -2).
ds maxX: 10.
g add: ds.
g configureForBarCharts.
g-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=The call configureforBarCharts should do what you expect.Cheers,Alexandre--
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;. <Screenshot 2017-06-16 09.39.25.png>On Jun 16, 2017, at 4:35 PM, Hernán Morales Durand <hernan.morales@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Alex
I attached another screenshot which describes exactly the problem.
2017-06-16 10:40 GMT-03:00 Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel@me.com >:
Hi Hernán,
I am not sure what exactly is the problematic situation you describe. Why you cannot simply with with #minX: and #maxX: ?
My script actually sets minX: but it is wrongly drawn in the histogram
For example, I tried to reuse the code you have provided. I can have:
bins := #(#(1 1 1 1 ) #(2 2 2) #(5 5 5 5 5)).
minPoint := ((bins reject: #isEmpty) detectMin: [ : c | c size ]) anyOne.
" Build diagram "
g := RTGrapher new
extent: 500 @ 200;
minX: 0;
maxX: 6;
ds := RTData new
points: bins;
x: [ : c | c ifEmpty: [ minPoint ] ifNotEmpty: [ : d | d anyOne ] ];
y: #size.
ds barShape
borderColor: Color black;
color: Color red trans;
width: 30.
g add: ds.
But you can have "minX: 1", which in that case, the first bar is above the Y-Axis. This is what one would expect.
The problem is not positioning the bars above the Y-Axis, but positioning them in the X-Axis.
Which rendering do you wish to have? Can you provide a self-contained piece of code that I can run on my machine?
If you have some time you could install BioSmalltalk in Pharo 5 (I haven't tested Pharo 6 yet) and evaluate the problematic expression:Metacello newsmalltalkhubUser: 'hernan' project: 'BioSmalltalk';configuration: 'BioSmalltalk';version: #bleedingEdge;load
(BioParser parseMultiFastaFile: BioObject testFilesDirectoryName asFileReference / 'ls_orchid.fasta')
plotHistogramBins: 20
xAxisLabel: 'Sequence lengths (bp)'
yAxisLabel: 'Count'
color: Color red
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;. On Jun 15, 2017, at 1:16 AM, Hernán Morales Durand <hernan.morales@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi guys,
I am experiencing a problem visualizing histograms in Roassal with Pharo 5. In the attached image you can observe the first bar shape starts from a negative X axis value, where I want to start from 0. Besides, some bars are gapped but I don't know why.
I am using with the following code:
| bins minPoint g ds |
bins := self groupedBySeqLengthDistribution: binNumber.
minPoint := ((bins reject: #isEmpty) detectMin: [ : c | c size ]) anyOne size.
" Build diagram "
g := RTGrapher new
extent: 500 @ 200;
minX: minPoint;
ds := RTData new
points: bins;
x: [ : c | c ifEmpty: [ minPoint ] ifNotEmpty: [ : d | d anyOne size ] ];
y: #size.
ds barShape
borderColor: Color black;
color: aColor;
width: barWidth.
g add: ds.
" Configure axis settings "
g axisY
title: axixYLabel;
color: Color black;
g axisX
fromPoint: minPoint;
color: Color black;
title: axisXLabel.
" Open visualization in a new window "
g open.
Any idea what I am missing?
<Roassal.jpeg>______________________________________________ _
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