2016-08-07 22:36 GMT+02:00 Tudor Girba <tudor@tudorgirba.com>:

Since yesterday, all Moose-related jobs are failing. These are built on top of Pharo 5.0 stable, downloaded like this:
wget --quiet -O - http://get.pharo.org/50+vm | bash

We did not change anything in the projects that fail, and locally on Mac, I can load any of the code without problems. The jobs are running Linux.

So, I am wondering if anything else has changed in Pharo 5.0.

In particular, the error is quite strange. It looks like this:
 [31mError: MessageNotUnderstood: receiver of "finish" is nil
[ :err :rcvr |
| errCtx errMorph |
errCtx := thisContext.
[ errCtx := errCtx sender.
"Search the sender chain to find the morph causing the problem"
[ errCtx notNil and: [ errCtx receiver isMorph not ] ]
        whileTrue: [ errCtx := errCtx sender ].
"If we're at the root of the context chain then we have a fatal drawing problem"
errCtx ifNil: [ ^ self handleFatalDrawingError: err ].
errMorph := errCtx receiver.

I think this is the same reported here:
18706 Build of Pharo5 is broken


See more at: https://ci.inria.fr/moose/job/fame/1266/console

Any idea of what might be wrong?



"We cannot reach the flow of things unless we let go."