On Nov 18, 2015, at 8:49 PM, milton mamani <akevalion@gmail.com> wrote:Hi HernanTry the next piece of code and tell me what you think| b data |data := (0 to: 40000 by: 1000)collect: [:n | n@ (Random new next * 3) floor].b := RTGrapher new.b extent: 1000@ 200.ds := RTData new.ds dotShape rectangle height: 1; width: 25; color: Color blue.ds connectUsing: (RTLine newcolor: (Color blue);width: 1;withHorizontalAttachPoint; yourself).dspoints: data;x: #x;y: #y.b add: ds.b axisX.b axisY title: 'alles Count'.b build.<foo.png>Cheers,Milton_______________________________________________2015-11-18 17:15 GMT-04:00 Hernán Morales Durand <hernan.morales@gmail.com>:This is what I am trying now (code is commented where I tried to configure X axis interval)Hello,I am using Roassal2 (StephanEggermont.40) in Pharo 4. The attached picture displays a common visualization for inference of local ancestry in population genetics, I have attached what I am getting now with Grapher. Input data for such visualization is for example:
1:454 2:1488 1:2546 2:5711 1:14253 2:24411 1:31490 0:41585(those are like Associations with key 0, 1 or 2 and value 454, 1488, ... etc)In the attached pictureMin X is 0 and
Max X is 41500
so the X axis (chromosome positions) is rendered in intervals between 10000.
| b intv |
intv := 0 to: 40000 by: 10000.
b := RTGrapher new.
ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
ds dotShape color: Color red.
points: #(1 2 1 2 1 2 1 0);
x: intv. "????"
ds barShape width: 99; color: Color red.
minX: 0;
maxX: 41500."
b add: ds.
b axisX noLabel; noTick. b axisY noDecimal.
b build.I have some questions:1) There is support to add an interval label to the X axis but preserving the space relation with the real chromosome position (the X axis) for the data (points in my example = 454 1488 2546 5711 14253 24411 31490 41585)?2) How to clear the bar filling?Any advice or help would be really nice.Hernán
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