
On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 1:15 AM, Tudor Girba <> wrote:

Yes and no :). Many methods in Moose are not used in the Moose image because the goal of having them available is to enable scripting. Even if an action is not available in the menu, it can still be useful to have it around. For example, imagine you are in the inspector looking at some FAMIX entity and then you want to build a visualization. In this moment having a unary method that opens the easel on the object is a great utility.

Nevertheless, in our case, indeed openInEasel should be deleted because we already have openInGlamorousRoassalEasel. browsePackageBlueprints was not used in a long time and should go as well.

Is the intent to have more than one Easel in the long run?  If not, wouldn't it be nicer to point openInEasel to open the GlamorousRoassalEasel instead, and let the much longer method go away instead?  In other words, have openInEasel open the most 'desirable' Easel that is present at any given time.

The other two visualizations should be kept.


On May 8, 2013, at 12:54 AM, Juraj Kubelka <> wrote:

> Hi!
> Can I remove these methods?:
>  1. MooseEntity>>openInEasel (it is not called and there is MOEasel)
>  2. FAMIXClassGroup>>viewDuplicationComplexity (annotation is commented)
>  3. #browsePackageBlueprints (it is not called, annotations are commented)
>  6. HismoClassHistoryGroup>>viewEvolutionMatrix and #viewEvolutionMatrix (it is not called)
> Thanks,
> Jura
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