>> Date : Thu, 06 Jan 2011 07:27:20 -0800
>> Subject : Re: [Moose-dev] xmlsupport conflict in pharo 1.2
>> ============ Forwarded message ============
>> ---- On Wed, 05 Jan 2011 09:39:31 -0800 Alexandre Bergel wrote ----
>>> I had a quick look at it.
>>> In Pharo 1.2, the XML-Parser parkage is clean (i.e.,not dirty). Loading XMLSupport turns the package dirty. The user is asked whether he is ready to lose his changes. I cannot determine why the packages turned dirty.
>>> Executing:
>>> Gofer new
>>> squeaksource: 'XMLSupport';
>>> package: 'ConfigurationOfXMLSupport';
>>> load.
>>> (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfXMLSupport) perform: #loadDefault.
>>> in a fresh image raises the popup. Without canceling or accepting, open a Monticello browser, you will see the package dirty.
>>> Jaaryer, can you have a look at it? There is something weird with the configuration. I sincerely hope we will have a better tool for managing configuration. I am currently working on it, but it is still too early for releasing it.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Alexandre
>> Is the package in Pharo 1.2 the most recent version? Reading the discussion from last month, it appeared they were opting for an older version. The only Pharo 1.2 image I can find on the website is a barren core without XMLSupport in it.
>> Regardless, if you load any of the recent XMLSupport packages and run the test suite, it will dirty the XML-Tests-Parser package. To understand why, just browse the XMLParserElementFactoryTest class or read its comment; it generates a number of "dummy" subclasses of XMLElement for testing purposes in its #setUp message and removes those classes from the system in its #tearDown message. I have known about this for weeks but did not consider it to be a problem as other packages ("Tests", for example) always seem to have an asterisk beside them in the Monticello browser and nothing seems break as a result. I can easily change this to make those classes static (always present) rather than dynamically generated/removed, if this is a problem.
>>> On 5 Jan 2011, at 11:41, Tudor Girba wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> XMLSupport is present in the latest Pharo 1.2. Loading a new version generates an exception apparently, so I removed for the moment XMLSupport from the default ConfigurationOfMoose.
>>>> I think we should only load this conditionally. Or do you have another solution?
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Doru
>>>> --
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>>> _,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:
>>> Alexandre Bergel
>>> ^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;.
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