Hi Stef,

On Sun, Aug 11, 2013 at 3:19 PM, Stéphane Ducasse <stephane.ducasse@inria.fr> wrote:
To me I think that it would be good to have a Moosedev and a MooseDeployment part because we have many differnt frameworks in the system

This is certainly an important topic and it warrants its own discussion.

I think we should not distinguish between MooseDev and MooseDeployment :).

My vision goes like this:
- Moose is a platform that works for multiple technologies. Perhaps we can distinguish between what makes sense for Java or for a language like C#, but the differences would be small and would not warrant different distributions.
- Moose is a platform for Pharo as well, although not many are seeing it like that. This means that the tools we have with Moose should be used for analyzing Pharo.
- We could distinguish between a Pharo only distribution and the distribution for all other languages. Actually, this is what we have with the GToolkit project: a Pharo specific toolset. However, we still want to have the Pharo-specific tools inside a Java-specific distribution given that we want people to develop their own tools fast. And to debug them. And to inspect them. So we want all the Pharo specific tools in the large distribution, too.

All in all, we now go towards:
- GToolkit for everyone that wants to develop in Pharo only.
- Moose for every other language (and it includes GToolkit).



"Every thing has its own flow"