Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
Ok just be prepared to have problem with squeaksource and its way to handle files.
As a general policy I think that Moose should not rely on external servers. So may be we should clone 
OSProcess and copy your changes from time to time.
A good feature for SmalltalkHub would be to synchronise with external services. I guess it could drive these using Monticello hooks for repositories.

This would:
* simplify migrating to SmalltalkHub (anything that lowers the barriers to entry is a good thing)
* beneficial to SmalltalkHub users to automatically monitor updates to the original repository (maybe only on a weekly basis)
* automatically push updates to SmalltalkHub repository to the original repository
* diffuse tensions from forking projects [1] - If its synchronised its not a fork.


cheers, Ben

On Aug 25, 2013, at 5:55 PM, David T. Lewis <> wrote:

On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 02:12:23PM -0400, David T. Lewis wrote:
On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 05:30:44PM +0200, St?phane Ducasse wrote:
Hi dave

Moose needs OSProcess and squeaksource is unstable so I will move OSProcess (except if you want to do it) because
we should get our build stable and I should losing teim trying to build moose. 

So let me know.
Hi Stef,

I will move OSProcess to another server by this weekend at the latest. I
will move CommandShell also, because I think that you are using PipeableOSProcess
in the ConfigurationOfOSProcess, and that is in the CommandShell package.
I'll check the configuration to be sure.

Hi Stef,

I am now working with the SCG support team for SqueakSource to move the
SqueakSource service to another server to maintain continued operation.
The Squeak board is supporting this and should be able to provide the
server (although I do not have access to this yet). I hope to be able
to do this without any changes to URLs or Metacello configurations.

For now the existing SqueakSource will stay on line at least for a little
longer, and I am putting my attention into making the transition happen.
If it does not work out for some reason, I will move the OSProcess
repository at that time.



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